Cloud Computing
To Store & Access Data on a Remote Server
What cloud based applications can offer you.
Microsoft Cloud Solutions
Data Backup and Sync
Offsite Backup
Office 365
Cloud Based Applications
Cloud Based Applications has provided businesses with some major advantages over the years. The ability to access information without a physical copy has saved thousands in working capital and has slashed the time it takes to create data.
Since memory has become cheaper, companies such as Microsoft and Google have provided people with a free cloud storage services, this is fantastic however, they are not always suitable for businesses. The reason is, they are vulnerable to encryption viruses find out more Here.
The best option for home and business cloud based applications are the following.
- Hybrid In-house Offsite Backup
- Microsoft Office 365
- Microsoft Exchange Online
- Microsoft One Drive for Business
- Autotask for Critical Data Storage & Sync of Servers
- Big Red Book and Sage online for accounts
Ways to Explore Cloud Computing - Harvard Business Review
Website Hosting
Our hosting package utilises high-spec servers with the latest generation of Intel processors, therefore, your website will be running on the most advanced hardware to date. With the latest industry-leading equipment from Cisco Systems and Juniper Networks our hosting service allows you to unlock your websites optimum performance by utilising some of the most advanced Cloud Based Applications available today.
Web Hosting
- 10GB Diskspace
- 30 GB Monthly Data Transfer
- 100 Mailboxes
- Web Mail Access
- Control Panel Access
- Massive CGI Scripts
- One Click Installation for all popular CMS Systems
- 5 MySQL Databases
- Webbuilder
Offsite Backup
Data is at the core of your business. Your emails, customer records, documents, invoices – they're all data you can't do without! A data disaster can be crippling for a business, and the cost of downtime is typically in tens of thousands of dollars!
Backup irreplaceable data from your desktops, laptops and servers – with ABC Corp's Online Data Backup service which is one of the many advanced Cloud Based Applications Irish Computers has available for your company.
With state of the art software and robust infrastructure, we provide you an enterprise class online backup service that ensures that you can quickly get up and running after any kind of data disaster!
Why Back Online
Online backups are the easiest and surest way to protect your data.
Backing up to an offsite server ensures that you can recover your data even in case of a physical disaster, theft or loss.
Online backups also eliminate many of the error prone steps associated with traditional backup methods like tape. Users can restore 'point in time' versions of files without loading tapes one after the other.
With our online backup solution, your data is encrypted and compressed even before it leaves your computers.
After the first full backup, only incremental block level changes are sent – optimising bandwidth & storage usage.
How it works
We simply install an agent on each computer (workstation /server) that you wish to protect. After the initial configuration, backups happen automatically and we can monitor and manage the process remotely – without ever accessing your data!
We could even implement a staged backup solution for you wherein you could back up to a local server and have that replicate to our remote server as insurance against disaster!
Pricing depends on the number of installations and the amount of data stored. Accordingly, you will be billed monthly!
Note: You are charged on compressed data storage; additionally, our intelligent incremental data feature backs up only changed blocks after the first backup.